Monday, May 18, 2009

A perfect Sunday

After a night of Eurovision (see previous post), I clearly needed to recharge my batteries. I had a nice late sleep, finished cleaning the apartment and headed up to the roof deck with my radio and a stack of old home decor magazines to flip through. It was a perfect sunny day - probably 75 and not a cloud in the sky. Over the course of a few lazy hours I got relaxed and tanned and ready for some company.

My friends Jess and Chris came over for what was supposed to be an early dinner on the BBQ. I have had a bottle of raspberry vodka gathering dust for the past 2 years unopened so decided to break it out. I mixed it with Diet 7up and with some limes and ice it tastes exactly like a raspberry lime rickey from when we were kids. I mean, you could NOT taste the alcohol at all. Well, 6 hours and lots of food later we wrapped up with about an inch left in the bottle of vodka. Good food, fun company and a hell of a new drink that is officially my summer drink of 2009.

This wraps up what is basically an ideal Sunday in my world.

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